Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Studio Shoot

I cropped this picture to be a 5x7 then I turned up the clarity and the fill light. Also I added highlights.

I cropped this picture to be a 5x7 then I turned up the clarity and the fill light. Also I added highlights.

I cropped this picture to be a 5x7 then I turned up the clarity and the fill light. Also I added highlights.

I cropped this picture to be a 5x7 then I turned up the clarity and the fill light. Also I added highlights.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Scale & Perspective

This photo was in the city, and I had one of my friends hold up Alcatraz as a sandwich and had my other friend pretend to eat it. I made it black and white by turning down the saturation, and I also cropped it to be a 5x7.
This one I made it black and white and cropped it also. I wanted it to be like Santa and his reindeer.

I had a cool idea of making some styrofoam look like snow. So I made it black and white, cropped it, and added vignette to the corners.

I had a cool idea of making some styrofoam look like snow. I just wanted Santa in this photo. So I made it black and white, cropped it, and added vignette to the corners.

Friday, November 2, 2012



I turned this picture black and white by turning down the saturation. Then I cropped it so that you just saw her legs. I also turned the blacks up.


I turned this picture black and white by turning down the saturation. Then I cropped it so that she was off to the left. I then also turned the blacks up and the fill light. 

Pattern onto Something

The only thing that I did to this one was made it black and white then cropped it just a little bit so that she was more off to the right side.


I flipped the original picture then inverted it and put it  next to the original. 

Friday, October 26, 2012


 Side lighting

 Backlighting behind a screen

Pattern onto Something
Front lighting

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Color & Neutral


For this picture I cropped it so that the center of the flower is off to the right. Then I made the edges white and made the highlights a little bit brighter. This is a dominant color picture.

For this one I cropped it so that the flower was off to the right of the picture frame. Then I used clarity to made the flower in front "pop" a little bit more. This is a complementary color picture.


This is a tree in my backyard, that the side was cut off. I Cropped it so that the circle was off to the right. I also turn up the yellows a little so it would contrast against the browns.

This was some rust I found on a railing in a park in Walnut Creek. I then cropped it so that the rail was off to left. That was the only changes I made.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Color Grid with Border

I went around my house and a local park and found all of my red colors. The green picture is of a cactus I saw on the side of the road.

Dino Grid

I took these pictures in the classroom, so the lighting was from fluorescent bulbs. I think that the dinosaur looks best on the pink, yellow, and light blue because it makes the colors on the dinosaur stand out. The dark blue, purple, and green make the dinosaur blend in with the background.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Historical Houses

I went to Old Borges Ranch around the afternoon. I turned all of them into black and white and made the contrast higher, and I made the corners a little darker. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day Shoot

We had to take pictures of a brown paper lunch bag. So I wanted to show how garbage collects during school and people never throw away their trash.