Friday, October 26, 2012


 Side lighting

 Backlighting behind a screen

Pattern onto Something
Front lighting

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Color & Neutral


For this picture I cropped it so that the center of the flower is off to the right. Then I made the edges white and made the highlights a little bit brighter. This is a dominant color picture.

For this one I cropped it so that the flower was off to the right of the picture frame. Then I used clarity to made the flower in front "pop" a little bit more. This is a complementary color picture.


This is a tree in my backyard, that the side was cut off. I Cropped it so that the circle was off to the right. I also turn up the yellows a little so it would contrast against the browns.

This was some rust I found on a railing in a park in Walnut Creek. I then cropped it so that the rail was off to left. That was the only changes I made.